Solution Architecture Options

Honeywell Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution can be installed with different architecture models, depending on requirements and available resources.

Decentralized vs. Centralized Models

Decentralized Architecture

A decentralized architecture model installs solution components at each site where voice is supported. In this model, the VoiceConsole and VoiceCheck applications and their related databases are installed at every site.

This type of installation enables the application to be installed and upgraded locally and limits the reliance on remote access.

Centralized Architecture

Honeywell Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution can be implemented with a centralized architecture model, where one instance of VoiceConsole and one instance of VoiceCheck provide inspection management features for technicians working at multiple sites. In this scenario, the databases and applications are installed at a single site, and that installation is used to monitor and record inspection functions being performed at one or more remote sites.


  • Centralized Management: VoiceCheck does not need to be implemented separately at each site or distribution center.
  • Site-Segregated View: A user with the proper privileges can easily switch between one site's data and another site's data.
  • Secure Access: Only users with the proper privileges can view and manage multiple sites.
  • Importing Software Components Across Multiple Sites: A user can import data for multiple sites on one server.


  • Network Requirements: Network bandwidth must be sufficient to handle activity at all managed sites, especially at shift starts. Remote access must be secure and provide sufficient performance for technicians accessing the VoiceCheck user interface.

Single Server vs. Multiple Server Models

Single Application Server Solution

VoiceCheck and VoiceConsole can be installed on the same server, in any order, but cannot share the same database. However, the database information for the first application installed can often make it easier to install the second application.

The two applications do require separate installations of Apache Tomcat and must be configured to use separate TCP/IP communication ports in order to avoid port conflicts. Honeywell recommends that the first installed application be running when the second is installed so that ports in use can be detected.

Multi-Server/Multi-Site Solution

If you plan to install VoiceCheck and VoiceConsole on separate servers and configure multiple sites in each application, there are important issues to consider in planning. A site is the location where a technician, who is wearing a Talkman device and following a voice-directed workflow, is working.

See also Creating Additional Sites for Multi-Site Implementations for instructions on creating additional sites in both applications.

Time Zone Considerations in Multi-Site Implementations

Time zones affect the time stamps that are recorded for VoiceCheck and VoiceConsole activity.

  • Actions performed by technicians: The time zone is defined by the VoiceConsole site with which each device is associated. Therefore, time stamps in device messages are set according to the time zone on the VoiceConsole server.
  • Actions performed by VoiceConsole users: The time stamps are set by the VoiceConsole server.
  • Actions performed by VoiceCheck users: The time stamps are set by the VoiceCheck server.

Both VoiceCheck and VoiceConsole have rules about when certain actions can be performed. If time stamps differ, due to either of the following scenarios, it can cause unexpected errors.

  • Multi-Server Implementations: In implementations where VoiceCheck and VoiceConsole are installed on different servers, the time on these must be servers synced. This is not an issue if VoiceCheck and VoiceConsole are installed on the same server.
  • Multi-Site Implementations: When you set up a site in either VoiceCheck or VoiceConsole, you must specify the time zone where that site is located. You must ensure that the same time zone is specified for a site in both applications. You are not required to specify the same site name; however, Honeywell recommends that you use the same site name for simplicity.

Once the sites are set up in both applications, load a device profile for each site.

Voice Process Software in Multi-Site Implementations

The Honeywell Voice Maintenance & Inspection Solution is designed to work with voice applications, Honeywell's voice process software.

When using multiple sites in VoiceCheck with voice application software, perform the following procedure:

  1. In VoiceConsole, create a new task package and select to Import New Task from the Name drop-down list on the Create Task Package: Select Task page.
  2. On the Create Task Package: Set Sites page on the Task Settings tab, enter the site for which you are creating the task package in the SiteName field.
    If the SiteName field is not available, this process cannot be performed.
  3. Complete the task package creation process.
  4. Repeat the previous three steps for each site supported.

Database Servers

For best performance, Honeywell recommends installing the VoiceCheck database on a separate server from the application, although a single server implementation is supported.

Honeywell recommends that you not install the VoiceCheck application and database and the VoiceConsole application and database all on a single server to avoid the single point of failure scenario.